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HostPapa | Consumer-Rankings.com
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HostPapa Overview

A pioneer in the green movement, privately owned HostPapa Green Web Hosting remains committed to corporate environmental responsibility by offering dependable, earth friendly shared web hosting at an affordable promotional price as low as $3.95 a month with over $500 in free extras. It doesn’t hurt that100% of the company’s energy consumption is certified green energy acquired from renewable eco-friendly sources such as wind generators and solar collectors. No matter if you are just starting out and want a personal website, or you are a business owner in need of an online web presence, HostPapa Green Web Hosting offers packages and plans to handle personal as well as small to medium sized business websites flawlessly.

Ease of Use

You don’t have to be technically savvy or an experienced Webmaster to use HostPapa’s free website design tools. The easy to use website builder software offers hundreds of free templates that are easily customizeable to reflect your own taste, style and preferences. Furthermore, HostPapa’s friendly customer service staff is patient and can address any issue for all levels of expertise.

Hostpapa’s easy to navigate website works seamlessly, making options clear andthe signup process fast. At HostPapa,not only are you a valued customer, you are treated like family. After all, company motto is “Let Papa Take Care of You.”


HostPapa Green Web Hosting provides all of its customers with unlimited free email accounts, unlimited free alias email accounts, unlimited free email auto responders, free virus scanning, free spam protection, free unlimited disk space, free domain registration, free unlimited bandwidth, free set-up, a wealth of instant apps and free website building software all backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. As mentioned move, HostPapa sweetens the deal with over $500 in free marketing credits, coupons and services.

Unlike several of its green web host competitors, HostPapa doesn’t charge you a penny extra for a carbon-neutral account; it’s already included in its reliable low-cost hosting packages.

Looking to sell your products or services online? HostPapa offers all the e-commerce tools you need including a shopping cart and PayPal compatibility.

Furthermore, HostPapa’s free cloud services can help you free up time, save money and increase productivity. A powerful “new tool in the toolbox,” HostPapa proudly offers customers a powerful new way to do business along with top-levelapplications and excellent customer support.

Customer Support

When you have a question or a problem with your website, you shouldn’t have to wait for an answer or a scheduled time to get it fixed. At HostPapa, questions are answered immediately by phone, live chat or email.

Over 100 thousand happy customers and countless online positive reviews tell the story – HostPapa offers outstanding options, reliable hosting and a friendly, knowledgeable, multilingual customer service staff that’s available 24 hours a day.

Papa recently launched green web hosting in Australia offering the same fine plans; features and 24/7 support customers in North America have come to depend on for reliable web hosting.


HostPapa Green Web Hosting has reduced its basic monthly fee to plans starting as low as $3.95 per month. Pricing is simple and straightforward with no hidden fees or add-ons. When you are looking for low-cost shared green web hosting, HostPapa is a choice you could behappy with for years. For less money a month than a latte, you can do your part to protect the environment while securing a great hosting option for your needs.

The Good

HostPapa recently launched green web hosting in Australia

The Bad

HostPapa’s customer support could be better on weekends

The Ugly

Not the best option if you’re looking to grow your website over time


Customer Service*
Ease of use*
Server Reliability*
Tools and Resources*
Overall Satisfaction*
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