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Doteasy | Consumer-Rankings.com
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Doteasy Overview

The service that makes Doteasy unique, the one that the company would like its users to know it for, is that it employs solid state drives in its hosting so as to make the loading of websites faster. Anyone going to their website can tell this immediately. That being said, the people at Doteasy have done a good job of selling that idea to the public, making it very clear what that means. For example, one of the first things that appears is a widget with two versions of the same website. One is stored on SSD media and one isn’t, and the user is invited to reload those pages in the widget to see how the solid state one loads significantly faster. It’s a good way to illustrate the point and one of many such techniques that Doteasy employs to get people to use their service.


Ease of Use

Like many other hosting companies, interaction with the server is through a cPanels interface, meaning that it is very easy to navigate and highly intuitive. Considering how many apps are available to the user, it’s rather impressive that it’s so easy to use and work with all of them, but it absolutely is. The problem is that the Doteasy website is a little confusing and difficult to navigate. The design is so focused on showing off the benefits of working with that service that there is little room for the chance to actually close that deal.

One thing that is blatantly apparent in the best way is that it’s easy to find their tutorial videos which are available on the first page and cover some of the basics of building a website, hosting, using a site to make money, etc. This is a level of care and concern for the user that isn’t often shown by a hosting company.


Doteasy keeps their features very simple, for a certain definition of “simple,” which is, “giving the user access to almost everything available.” It doesn’t have a lot of plans, but the plans that are offered tend to be both cheap and filled with bonuses and extras. Again, the main draw is solid state storage drives, so both basic hosting plans include storage on those. The larger of those plans also has 100 gigabytes of storage space, unlimited transfer, unlimited domain hosting, unlimited email accounts, unlimited MySQL databases, and a free website builder. It also comes with e-commerce apps, WordPress support, and quite a few other things that make this incredibly impressive. The smaller plan has most of the same stuff, only limited. So only 100 megabytes of storage, only 1 gig of transfer (which is still pretty good) per month, only 10 email accounts, etc.

Customer Support

It is rare that this level of customer support exists for a hosting company, but Doteasy has done an excellent job of making themselves available to their customers through a number of different mediums. First of all, the Knowledge Base is well put together, as are the tutorial videos that both help with troubleshooting and getting the most out of hosting. Most questions can be answered through these resources without having to reach out. However, if a customer does have to reach out they have a number of options including Livechat, a forum, email, and website ticket submission. Even more, they have a widget to check the status of a ticket online.


There are essentially three plans to choose from, two regular hosting plans and a managed hosting plan. The Basic Hosting plan is $1.95 a month for the first year, the Unlimited SSD 100 is $4.95 a month for the first year, and the Managed Hosting is $29.95 a month, apparently in perpetuity or until the regular prices rise.

The problem is that while these are the only three easily found on the website, price wise, when clicking on the link to see what the regular prices would be after the first year, it shows a list of six plans, and no real way to be able to tell which plan is which and what the price is after a year. Also, it’s unclear where these other plans are located and how somebody could sign up for them. This seems a little suspicious the way this information is obfuscated, but it doesn’t look like it even has to be. Regardless, considering what comes with the Unlimited SSD 100, even the highest price listed seems worthwhile. And taking advantage of the first year pricing certainly couldn’t hurt either.

The Good

One of the best hosting options for solid state storage with prices that are far below most of the competition.

The features are astounding and the plans offer nearly everything.

The Bad

The website is not very intuitive, nor does it provide an easy way to purchase the service.

And The Ugly

The after one year pricing options should not be hidden.



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