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BlueDomino | Consumer-Rankings.com
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BlueDomino Overview

At first glance, BlueDomino hosting seems simple. The website is clean and not particularly imposing. It seems to have a lot of fairly common traits, and the colors are even pretty soft, designed to put one at ease. But that is very much its greatest strength and what sets it apart from many of its competitors. While not the greatest hosting provider for all things, BlueDomino seems to have chosen what it wants to do and does it with quiet dignity. The web host stands out not through flash, but through carefully chosen function.


When discussing ease-of-use, it helps to begin with the website itself, which is laid out well and is easy to follow. The important aspects can be accessed quickly and are placed where the eyes naturally go. Choosing a plan is easy, seeing as how there is only one plan on either a UNIX or a Windows platform. There is a modest price difference between the two, but the features remain the same. The backend is a fairly standard file manager. It doesn’t stand out in any way, but it doesn’t really need to. It’s there to make sure that the user can access their files and manipulate the structure of their site. It doesn’t need a lot in order to be easy to use.


BlueDomino has taken to heart the idea that if a company provides the basics very well and just adds one or two special things, it is enough to make the hosting offer unique. BlueDomino starts by offering unlimited storage and bandwidth per month, and there doesn’t seem to be a hidden caveat on that. It also comes with a free domain and an application library to make it easier to develop a high quality website.

One of the more unique things that BlueDomino offers is ShopSite Starter for free with the plan. This allows for the user to build a 15 item storefront online, which has a highly customizable look and makes accepting online payments very simple. For sites that are looking to sell a few items but aren’t primarily stores, this is a fantastic option to have access to. Add unlimited MySQL databases and mailboxes to that, and you have a well-designed features list to work with.

Customer Support

The support that BlueDomino provides is absolutely top-notch in all respects. First, the sheer number of options for contact is a great way to really inspire confidence in the system. Not only is there an account-specific email contact form, but there is also 24/7 support by phone or live chat. This is both for sales and technical assistance, which is rather nice if a user needs additional products immediately.

The representatives there are wonderful. Users can tell from first contact with them that they know what they’re talking about, are willing to go out of their way to help and are well-trained on the relevant systems. Whatever BlueDomino’s recruitment and training methods are, other companies ought to look to do the same.


The pricing of the plan at BlueDomino couldn’t be simpler: There is only one plan to choose from on two different platforms. The real price difference is based on how much a user wants to pay at once.

For three years pre-paid, the plan is $5.95 per month. That changes to $6.95 if two years are paid in advance, and $7.95 per month if paid annually. Beyond that, it costs $8.95 per month if paid quarterly and $9.95 per month if paid monthly. The last two options also require a $19.95 setup fee that is waived for people who pay at least a year in advance.

The Windows-based servers have the same pricing scheme, but without the option for paying three years in advance. It’s a somewhat strange way to go and is actually a bit baffling when considered.

The Good

BlueDomino provides a solid service with a good list of features and one or two additional options that make it stand out for a specific niche.

The Bad

While the ShopSite Starter is nice, it’s fairly limited for people who want to sell more on their site than just the 15 products it supports, and there doesn’t appear to be an easy way to upgrade.

And The Ugly

Not being able to pay for three years in advance and get the reduced rate on the Windows platform is just strange.


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