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Why Business Owners Need to Have a Quality Website

Web presence is the modern-day form of a storefront. Customers are more likely to visit your website before they visit your actual store. It is here that customers will build assumptions about the quality of your business. Yes, all based on the quality of your website.

Here, we will tackle two questions:

  1. What constitutes a quality website?
  2. What are the advantages of having one?

What constitutes a quality website?

  • Brand-Oriented – It is important to showcase your brand so that it is the first and foremost item to imprint on your web visitors. Your brand name and logo should be visible on the homepage and every other page of your website as well. That way, it leaves a strong and lasting impression.
  • Clean and Organized – It should be very intuitive for your visitor to find your contact information (including address, phone number, and email) as well as an FAQ page. Often, potential customers are going to your website to get the basic questions about your business answered.
  • Modern – These days, modern constitutes as sweet and simple. No one will come to your page and read the essay splashed across the front page about your business model. Answer the who, what, when, where, and why. Otherwise, leave it out.
  • Looks Good in All Browsers – It speaks for the majority to say that one of the most frustrating things to experience from a website is if it functions in one internet browser, but not the other. The last thing you want is your customers leaving your website feeling unsatisfied and unrepresented based on their browser of choice.
  • Mobile Friendly – The same logic about looking good in browsers also applies to mobile devices, as well as iPads and other forms of tablets. Be sure to check the format across all forms of technology.

Be sure to check out our article on a few additional ways to make your website more user-friendly.

What are the advantages of having one?

  • Cost Effective – The cost to maintain a website stays essentially the same month to month. With the unpredictability of life, you cannot say the same about your storefront. Accidents like floods, burglary, and leaving the lights on do happen. And when they do, they can often accumulate exorbitant costs. When such things happen, you’ll still have your handy dandy website on the rainy days.
  • Accessible 24/7 – The fact of the matter is your store is probably not 24/7/365. Good news! Your website is. This makes you accessible to your customers and visitors around the clock.
  • Convenient – This serves as a double-sided advantage for both you and the customer. Any updates and messages about your business can be updated with the click of a button, as opposed to the hassle of hanging banners or passing out flyers outside. For the customer, any information they need, they can and will expect to see it on your website. This will open the door for you to try out ample marketing opportunities through promotions and fun social media posts.
  • Builds Credibility – Your website builds confidence in your consumers and proves that your product or service is credible. This is especially true if you can assist them online through your website as well.
  • Increases Sales – Converting web traffic into sales is a fundamental sales strategy that can be incorporated into all sorts of businesses.

If utilized correctly, your website can become one of your most valuable tools for growing, spreading, and sharing your brand with a larger network of customers. The quality of your website showcases not only the brand but also the character of you, the owner. How much are you willing to not only maintain a website but also improve and expand upon it by keeping up with the times?


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