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Stop Making These 5 Online Dating Mistakes


Unless you’ve been living in an underground bunker for the past 15 years, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt style, you’re probably aware that online message boards like Reddit are a hotbed of online dating advice, woes and certifiable LOL moments.

We’ve scoured the internet and compiled a list of some of the most common online dating mistakes that you might be making. Do any of these sound familiar?

1. Sending “Too Long; Didn’t Read” (TDLR-style) messages.

Here’s something they should tell everyone when they sign up for online dating: keep things short and sweet. Also, paragraphs are your friend. Think about it – we’re all super busy and probably have limited time to read and respond to messages. There’s nothing more daunting than opening a message to find a wall of text. No paragraph breaks and, sometimes, no punctuation.

You don’t need to write a novel to show someone you’re interested in them. One to two short paragraphs, or just a few lines, is more than enough.

2. Failing to communicate properly on a date.

Recently, a user on Reddit posted the following: “Date disappeared while I was paying my tab. Waited by the table for a few minutes before deciding he must have left (it was a pretty meh-date) and walking home. Got this 20 minutes later…” What followed was a lengthy text from the man, chastising her for walking out on him. He explained that while she was walking to her car, he was only a few paces behind her. Totally awkward and also slightly creepy? Definitely.

Clearly both parties here are partially at fault: the man for not letting his date know where he was going and the woman for not texting him to see if he was ever coming back (a simple, “excuse me for a moment” on his end would have sufficed.)

The lesson here: before you assume, communicate. It’s common sense and can help prevent situations like the one above.

3. Feeling weird about reaching out first.

Another user on Reddit shared the following: “I think I’ve found that 100% of the time, if a girl doesn’t text me first, I’m never going to hear from her again. But I still send a day-after text every time I go on a date, and then proceed to feel stupid.” Unless you’re 100% sure that you never want to see the other person again, reaching out after that first date is not only good manners, it’s essential if you’re hoping to score a second date. There’s also no rule that says one party has to reach out first, so don’t feel weird. If you enjoyed the date, let them know. It’s crazy to think of how many connections were lost just because one person was afraid to text the other.

4. Continuing to message the same person, even though they’ve never responded.

Any woman who has ever online-dated has experienced this phenomenon: the endless message string. Usually these messages are sent days or hours apart but not always. It looks something like this:

Them: Hey how’s it going?

Them: I like your photo. You have really nice eyes.

Them: So, I was thinking of trying white water rafting and maybe bringing my dog with me. What do you think?

Them: Know where I can find a life jacket for a German Sheppard?

Them: Noticed you’re not online. I hope you’re enjoying your date! He’s a lucky guy.

Them: I was thinking you, me and drinks on Friday.

Them: Hey, I was wondering if you knew of a good Veterinarian?

Them: Are you getting my messages?

If you’re a woman, you don’t have to look far to see these kinds of messages, they’re probably in your phone. If you’re not a woman, you’ve likely heard one of these message strings read aloud to you by a horrified friend. All. The. Time. Don’t do this. If someone doesn’t write back, send them one follow up message and then STOP. If they don’t respond, don’t get passive aggressive and suggest the only reason they’re not responding is because they’re on another date.

5. Using online dating for anything other than dating.

As this woman posted who on Imgur can attest to, online dating sites are not there to help you build your martial arts career. They’re not networking sites or places to sell your products. They’re also not places meant to help boost your ego, i.e developing online relationships with no intention of ever dating anyone, ever. Online dating can be awesome when used as intended. There’s lots of other places on the internet where you can post about your “psychological study.” Stop tormenting online daters.

These are hardly the only 5 mistakes made when it comes to online dating, but they are, unfortunately, very common. Don’t be like them. Avoid these mistakes at all costs. And a bonus piece of advice: if you’re contemplating sending a particular message or doing a particular thing, but wonder if it might make you seem like a creep, the answer is yes. Yes, it will make you seem like a creep. Don’t do it. Also serves as general life advice. Enjoy.


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