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New Year’s Eve: Asking Them to be Your Date


Everyone wants to have plans on New Year’s Eve. December 31st comes in close behind Valentine’s Day as one of the biggest date nights of the year. Because of this, people are often more inclined to accept date offers than they would during other times of the year. If you are lucky enough to already have someone special in your life, you’ll probably want to spend NYE with them.

However, what if you’ve just started dating? What if you aren’t even dating yet, but just talking online? Should you ask them out for New Year’s Eve? Will a New Year’s Eve date be too much pressure?!

These are all valid questions.

While you’re trying to navigate the whole New Year’s Eve date conundrum, here are a few things to consider.

  1. Do you actually want to spend New Year’s Eve with this person?

I know this sounds kind of basic, but it’s a question worth exploring. Do you actually want to spend time with this person – and more importantly, ring in the New Year together? Just because you’ve gone on a few dates doesn’t mean that you’re obligated to spend NYE together as a couple – especially if you don’t really know each other yet. If you’re not really sure about the person, you might actually have a better time hanging out with your friends (and so would they!) If this is the case, let them know that you have plans already but would love to grab brunch when all the glitter dust settles.

However, if the idea of spending the evening with this new person makes you feel excited and optimistic, by all means invite them out! Hey, they may even say “yes!”

  1. Have you already discussed New Year’s Eve plans?

If you’ve gone out a few times, maybe the topic of New Year’s Eve has already come up. If they’ve mentioned that they don’t have plans yet but would “love to do something fun and different!” – bingo – this is your chance. If you’re interested in spending more time with them, ASK! Your New Year’s Eve date plans don’t have to be anything elaborate, they could even be as simple as, “hey, my friends are having a party at their house. Would you like to join me?” No stress. No pressure.

  1. What does New Year’s Eve mean to them?

Once again, like Valentine’s Day, everyone has differing opinions on how they feel about New Year’s Eve and what going out with someone on that night means. For some people, NYE is no big deal – just another night to hang with friends and maybe indulge in some champagne. However, for other people, the night is a really big deal and they see having a date for the night as a sign that the relationship is moving forward towards a more serious commitment. Therefore it’s important to take this account when thinking about making New Year’s plans with the person you’re dating.

If you’re not sure where the relationship is heading and/or how they feel about the holiday, this is the perfect opportunity to have a talk to ensure you’re both on the same page.

  1. Are you OK keeping things casual?

If you’re still in the very early stages of dating, one of the easiest ways to relieve the stress of New Year’s Eve is to just keep your plans firm yet, casual. For example, instead of inviting the other person to an expensive, black tie party, invite them to come and join you and your friends. Although the impulse may be to go over-the-top in order to impress your date, if you’re still getting to know each other, hanging out in a group will be a lot less stress and pressure for everyone involved.

  1. Do you want them by your side when the ball drops at 12?

I know this (once again) sounds like a no-brainer question. But, really – do you want them there? If the thought of starting the New Year with a New Year’s kiss from this person doesn’t give you the butterflies, it might be better to hold off on the NYE date plans.

  1. Are you OK if they say no?

Keep in mind that not everyone likes mixing dating with New Year’s Eve. If I’m in a relationship, I love having my partner by my side. However, if I’m single or I’ve just started dating someone, I actually prefer to just spend the night with friends and/or family, then catch up with my date once all of the hoopla is over. New Year’s Eve can bring out some strange emotions in people, so consider it a polite courtesy that your date wants to leave you out of it. It’s only one night and you have the rest of the year (& beyond!) to spend time together.


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