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Looking for a Date? Try Mentioning Pumpkin Spice

pumpkin spice latte

‘Tis the season when everything starts to taste like spiced gourds. Yes, that’s right, Pumpkin Spice Lattes (PSLs) are back and this could mean that your love life is about to get a little spicier, too.

This fall fan favorite may be known as “basic,” but the latest data from dating app Plenty of Fish reveals something very different – the pumpkin spice craze isn’t a turnoff to the majority of singles. In fact, it’s actually considered trendy.

Plenty of Fish recently surveyed 2,800 singles in the U.S. on all things pumpkin spice to understand just how much this craze impacts one’s dating life and reputation. The results are actually pretty interesting.

Think PSL’s are just for “basic” folks? Well, the singles on Plenty of Fish disagree. According to the survey, 34 percent of singles describe someone who loves pumpkin spice as “trendy.” Not only is pumpkin spice seen in a positive light, 45 percent of people are actually in love/like with pumpkin spice and only 6 percent of singles loathe the stuff altogether.

Women may want to consider putting the words “pumpkin spice” in their online dating profile, because Plenty of Fish found that women who do are 8 percent more likely to get into a conversation online than those who don’t.

Single men won’t mind if their date has an infatuation with pumpkin spice. Thirty-four percent of men said they would feel great if their date asked them to go grab pumpkin spice lattes. Furthermore, only 6 percent of men said they would not date someone who is into pumpkin spice vs. 11 percent of women. (I suspect this is because women would prefer to grab a pumpkin spice latte with friends or might assume guys aren’t as interested in the craze.)

Either way, if you enjoy a PSL, there’s zero reason to hide it this season. In fact, it might actually help you get a date.

In the spirit of all things pumpkin spice, here are a few ways you can use the PSL craze to your dating advantage this season.

1. Mention you like PSL in your profile.

As mentioned above, women who include their love of all things pumpkin spice in their profiles are more likely to enter into conversations online. PSLs are warm and sweet with just enough spice. It’s possible that potential suitors associate this popular cozy beverage with similar human qualities and feelings. It could also be that people see “pumpkin spice” and think, “hey, this person is honest” – you’re just being yourself, which is always an asset.

2. Ask someone out for a PSL.

As the statistics above highlight, your chances of someone responding positively to your invitation to join them for a PSL are in your favor. Even if they’re not a hardcore PSL drinker, it’s a more interesting and sweet (pun intended) way of asking someone out for coffee – which, let’s face it, can start to feel played out after a while. If they don’t like PSLs, that can open up a conversation about what they do like. Either way, asking someone out for a PSL  is fun and different. It shows that you’re trying and, often, that’s enough.

3. Make a PSL at home.

If you’ve reached the point in your relationship where you’re comfortable visiting each other in your own homes, offer to make them a PSL. You can easily grab the syrup and other ingredients at the grocery store. (Note: this is a great option for people with espresso makers or who, you know, actually know how to make coffee.) If you’re feeling particularly spicy, make your PSLs Irish.

4. Go on a pumpkin spice sampling safari.

From PSLs to cheesecake, so many local businesses are now carrying pumpkin spice-flavored goodies. If your date is a real pumpkin spice fan, why not make a list of the best spicy treats your town has to offer and spend the afternoon sampling them? Sure, you might increase your risk of diabetes, but it would make for a really fun date.

Whatever you decide, just know that as far as timing goes for everything pumpkin spice (which keeps finding a way to sneak forward like Halloween and the holidays), 58 percent of singles think September is just right for the reappearance of the flavor. In other words, it’s not too soon to jump on the PSL bandwagon and incorporate it into your dating life.




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