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Important Dating Lessons From the Kardashians


Try as you may, you can’t escape them. Yes, I’m talking about the Kardashians. It’s almost impossible to go online or breeze through the grocery store checkout line without being exposed to their perfectly proportioned faces and tales of their dramatic antics.

But, there’s actually a lot we can learn from the world’s most overexposed family (and I’m not just talking about how to do a perfect cheek contour for date night.) Here’s a few important dating lessons garnered from the Kardashian clan:

  1. Everyone has a different “love language”

In 1995 author Gary Chapman published a book called The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate which quickly went on to become a New York Times bestseller. The book outlines five ways to express and experience love that Chapman calls “love languages.” These include: receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and physical touch. Chapman suggests that to discover another person’s love language, one must observe the way they express love to others, analyze what they complain about most often, and what they request from their significant other most often. He theorizes that people tend to naturally give love in the way that they prefer to receive love.

However, just because you’re in love doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to have the same way of expressing love. From a brand new Bentley and Mercedes to squabbling with Beverly Hills jewelers over pricey gifts, when it comes to Kylie and Tyga, it’s clear that “gift giving” is one of their key love languages – or at least Kylie’s. However, if  If trying to win the affection of your beloved with pricey gifts is literally giving you panic attacks that land you in the hospital, you might want to reevaluate whether “keeping up with the Kardashians” and being in this kind of relationship is realistic and/or even healthy – financially or otherwise.

  1. People change and evolve over the course of a relationship.

Just ask Kris Jenner. Although it may seem like Caitlyn Jenner transitioned overnight, according to her this change was a lifetime in the making. From a dating perspective, the lesson here is this: you can’t always know everything about the person you’re dating. We all have aspects of ourselves that we hide from the people we love because we’re scared, ashamed or just haven’t been able to process them. People aren’t static. We’re full of surprises. When these things come to the surface it may be shocking. That’s life. If your partner turns out to be not quite who you expected at the beginning, the best you can do is accept that and peacefully walk away.

  1. Don’t lose yourself by trying to fix what’s meant to stay broken.

People have to want to change, before they actually do. Khloe and Lamar are a perfect example of this. A year ago, Lamar Odom overdosed on a deadly mixture of drugs at a brothel in Las Vegas after a three-day bender with prostitutes. The former LA Lakers star was rushed to the hospital on life support, and barely survived the ordeal.

What followed was months of hospitalization, therapy and a struggle to survive. His estranged wife, Khloe reportedly dutifully stood by him throughout this and his other struggles with addiction, until she penned a heartbreaking Instagram post where she declared to the masses, “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. Letting go with love takes great strength. We have to learn to stop taking on people’s problems as if they are our own. Loving people does not mean we have to carry their burdens and confusions on our back.” She also went on to say that, “You can’t love someone into loving you. (God I wish it were that easy)” and that trying to change someone to be kinder and more responsible (even if it’s for their own good) is a lost cause. Lastly, she concluded, “Don’t lose yourself by trying to fix what’s meant to stay broken.” Amen to that.

Although Khloe reportedly is still trying to encourage Odom to get help, she’s keeping her distance and has since moved on to date James Harden and now Tristan Thompson. If someone isn’t willing to accept your help or make healthy changes, you need to put your own well-being first and move on. Some things really are meant to stay broken. Afterall, it’s called a breakup for a reason.

  1. People tell you who they are through their actions.

Love is blind. This is the only way we can explain Scott Disick. Aside from the fact there’s always been something decidedly creepy and Patrick Bateman-esque about Scott, his behavior and relationship with Kourtney has been troubling since the beginning. People tell you who they are through their actions. If their actions include infidelity, drunken tirades, anger management issues and immature party animal behavior, you might want to reconsider your relationship. What’s shocking about their relationship isn’t Scott’s behavior, but rather that it took nine years and three children together before they finally split up (for now.)


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