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How Can YouTube Help Your Online Branding Strategy?

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YouTube is the most popular video sharing platform on the internet today, used by almost everyone to watch and share videos. There probably isn’t a single topic under the sun that doesn’t have a related video.

But apart from being used as a place to watch videos, businesses upload videos that can help with creating and establishing their online brands. In fact, YouTube has become an integral part of online branding strategies.

How can YouTube help with your branding?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then you can only imaging how much a video is worth! Today, we’re all hooked on videos, consuming tons of content in video format every single day. It’s made us impatient; people would now rather watch a video than read lengthy articles or swipe through photos. Why not use them to help establish your brand more quickly and effectively?

Here are eight reasons you should adopt YouTube in your branding strategy.

1. Fast growing platform

YouTube is a platform that continues to grow by the day, which means you have an audience that will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. You can put your business and products in front of millions of eyes and continuously increase your brand recognition.

2. A search engine in its own sense

Not many people know it, but YouTube is the second most popular search engine on the internet. With a good keyword in the title, description and meta-data on your videos, you can make sure your videos are more easily found. A little SEO tweaking could make you visible to millions of people who search for your particular niche products or services.

3. YouTube videos are searchable by other search engines

In case you haven’t noticed, when you use search engines like Google, you get videos mixed in with text results. This means, even if your potential clients aren’t specifically looking for your videos, they’ll be pleasantly surprised to see them mixed in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Better yet, they wont have to click on the video search tab, increasing the chances your video will get seen.

4. Easily shareable

If you happen to come up with a great video concept, your videos could be shared across other platforms. Luckily, YouTube allows its viewers to easily share and embed videos. Just click on the social media platform you want the video to be posted on, or copy the code provided and paste it in the source code of your preferred website.

5. Its free space

Although the cost of buying hosting space has gone down over the last few years, nothing beats having it for free. When you place your videos on YouTube, you get a chance to have your videos shown on a website that is secure, fast and globally-accessible – for free. You won’t have to worry about the administration of your videos nor the overhead that goes with it.

6. Channels enhance your profile

Another great feature on YouTube is the way you can build channels to list all your videos together. If you think one video is great, then you will be amazed at how much a collection of related videos – all about you and your business – will help with creating and building brand recognition. Continuously creating videos that attract more and more viewers will help you leave a big mark on the internet.

7. You get to keep your viewers

People who come to view your videos and visit your channels will have the chance to subscribe, too. This means you’ll have a steady and reliable audience you can market to.

8. You will be seen favorably

Videos mean your business will stand out from the competition. People and potential clients will notice you’ve taken extra effort to keep them informed.

YouTube is a powerful marketing tool that can push your image on a global scale. Start adopting the platform and implementing it in your marketing strategy today!




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