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Hosted VoIP and How It Can Help Your Small Business


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology refers to the ability to transmit voice and communication data over the internet.

The voice of a person talking is basically a series of vibrations. These vibrations are, when using VoIP, converted to compressed digital signals that translate to Internet Protocol (IP) packets which can then be transmitted over the internet and converted back to regular telephonic signals – even if the user at the other end has a regular telephone.

VoIP, thus, allows a business’ employees to make telephone calls from their laptops or desktop computers (equipped with VoIP phone-ware). Small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) can sign up for these hosted VoIP services and have their entire telephone network outsourced.

The advantages the SMBs will get by taking this measure include:

Reduced Costs: when SMBs start to use hosted VoIP solutions they not only cut the costs of their individual call rates (calls made using VoIP are much cheaper than regular rates), but also that of the total overhead costs that come with the traditional telephone system (PABX in a broom closet, for example): network management, hardware maintenance and upgrades, included.

Additionally, hosted SMB VoIP solutions usually come with extra and advanced features that incur no extra costs for the clients – in contrast, legacy systems charge extra for almost every additional feature or service.

Boost SMB Telephony: SMBs can boost their telephone technology from archaic to the fore of technology with the use of VoIP hosted services.

Within a matter of hours, an SMB can find itself as the owner of telephone and communications technology that any major company would be proud of. These enhanced services and improved features will help also boost any business’ profile.

Ease of Management: SMBs don’t need to waste time or manpower on the management of their telephone systems. They don’t need to hire tech people just so they can have an efficient communication system. All the hard work is done by the service provider and all the SMBs need to do is enjoy the benefits – and pay the bill at the end of the month, of course.

Easy Customization and Scalability: once an SMB has figured out what it wants from its VoIP system, setting it up is a matter of configuring a server. Gone are the days of pulling cables around dusty corners of buildings just to hook up one device.

Later, should the SMB decide it wants to have its design revised, it, again, becomes a simple matter of tweaking software to make it work accordingly. Hosted VoIP solutions are very flexible and scalable.

More Mobile Integration: mobility is an integral part of today’s world of business. Agents out in the field need to communicate with their colleagues and superiors back at the office. Managers need to stay in contact with the office while they are on the go. There is a demand to be in constant communication from whatever location and using any type of mobile device.

Nothing makes meeting this sort of communication requirements easier, or rises to meet the demands better, than VoIP technology.

Features like Find me / Follow me call routings allow users to create a list of numbers they can be reached at before a call is forwarded to their voicemail box. This means, a call that was made to an office phone can, after a couple of rings, can be forwarded to a mobile phone. If the mobile phone isn’t answered too, the call can next be forwarded to a home number. Only if that home number isn’t answered will the call be forwarded to the voicemail box.

These kinds of features make it easier for people on the go to remain in constant contact while they are away from their offices, and this boosts their productivity.

Easy Auto Attendant: SMBs can improve the services they provide to their clients by making it easier for them to reach the appropriate person in the organization.

One typical feature is the auto attendant that offers a menu to callers-in that will then lead them to the right extension number. This feature is not only helpful to clients, but also shows that the business takes its clients seriously and goes out of its way to improve their experience with them.

Collaboration Made Easier: VoIP technology comes with one feature that helps boost SMB’s productivity: conference calling.

We’re not just talking of the day-to-day people jumping in on a single call and having a meeting. Modern VoIP solutions allow much more to be done. Features like invitation management allow for easy communication of upcoming events or meetings, “hand raises” help in making decisions right there in the conference call, selective muting allows for one group of the communicating party to confer without the other one being able to hear – the list goes on.

Making appropriate use of all features can truly bring a big change in productivity.

What have been listed above are just some of the more important advantages of using VoIP technology and outsourcing it. As the technology is a rapidly evolving one, the advantages grow by the day.


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