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Want to Find your Perfect Match? DNA Might Help

Looking for your perfect match isn’t easy. There are so many single people out there, dating sites are full of partial profiles and mystery pictures and a lot of people are not even sure what exactly are they looking for.

Love seekers, there may be good news for you. Dating sites can now help you find your perfect match based on DNA. Studies have revealed that chemistry, in particular body odor, plays a big part when it comes to attraction. However, you can’t really identify these traits when searching for partners online.

The online dating sites that use DNA technology are based on the theory that people are attracted to partners who have different immune systems than their own. That’s why the sites limit their DNA analysis to the genes of the immune system to make its matches.

ScientificMatch claims that finding a partner with a different immune system will lead to a more satisfying sex life, less cheating, a higher rate of fertility and a higher rate of orgasms for women.

All that may be true and interesting, but ScientificMatch admits that physical chemistry alone is not enough to guarantee a successful relationship, or even attraction. That’s why the site also has the regular features such as profiles and pictures, just to be on the safe side.

For those concerned with privacy, the site promises that nobody ever knows your name and your customer number at the same time. The computer which generates the matches is the only thing that ever links the two together. Also, the DNA sample is destroyed after it has been analyzed.

The price for this innovative service isn’t small: you have to pay $2,000 in order to get a DNA collecting kit and a list of possible matches. Well, there’s no price for true love, is it? It still remains to be seen, though, if DNA sampling is the best way to find a match.


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