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Does Green Web Hosting Really Work? Is it Worth It?


The cumulative energy consumption of all the web hosting servers in the world and the impact it has on the environment, both directly and indirectly, should be of a primary concern to all of us looking for a hosting solution provider, because it is a very significant one.

Green web hosting became a household phrase right about the time world awoke to the fact that if nothing was done about the pollution and reckless consumption of energy (generated by non-renewable natural resources) it would lead to our demise as humans may be not tomorrow, but soon enough.

Nowadays, being inconsiderate to nature is a big “no-no” not only as an individual, but on the corporate level as well. Businesses, be they big or small, look to cut down on emissions and conserve energy in every possible way they can – including having their sites hosted on hosting providers that are green.

To understand the concept of green webhosting we will have to look at how a green web hosting provider operates and then find out if it is really worth it at all.

To start off with the definition, green web hosting providers are “eco-friendly” hosting companies that operate on a work plan which was created, and runs, on the principle of cutting down on the negative effects of its servers’ energy consumption and pollution of the environment.

Now, there are just as many ways of achieving the end result – cutting down on emissions and excessive energy consumption – as there are green web hosting companies. Below are some of the most common strategies that are used across the hosting industry:

Reducing Energy Consumption

Web hosting is a very resource-intensive industry. Serves require a lot of electric energy – around the clock – to keep running. Usually this energy comes from generators that emit carbon and other pollutants that are hazardous to the environment.

Green web hosting providers first take it upon themselves to own servers that are more efficient and consume less power.

Using Renewable Resources

Once the servers have been replaced by more energy efficient ones, the web hosting companies will then power them using electricity generated from renewable resources like solar and wind power.

Temperature Regulation

Servers tend to generate a lot of heat. Keeping them cool is another very energy-intensive procedure. But, with good planning, airflow can be improved through and between servers. Also, by carefully monitoring the server rooms’ temperatures and that of the outside environment, airflow can be allowed inside to help cool the machines naturally.

Supporting components, like Computer Room Air Conditioners (CRACs) can be replaced by more energy efficient devices. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can be made to work more efficiently by separating the cold air they generate from the hot air that is produced by the servers.

Installing Energy Efficient Lighting

Server rooms need to be sufficiently well- lit – with light sources that are on 24 hours a day. It therefore makes good sense to install energy efficient light sources and add occupancy sensors throughout the servers’ housing structure.

Now, after the web hosting provider has taken these steps to ensure they have as tiny a carbon footprint as they possibly can, it will ensure that it is doing its part in helping conserve the planet. By hosting their sites with them businesses too can gain some of the advantages – as well as doing their part for humanity.

These advantages include:

Cutting Costs

The first and obvious reason businesses opt for green web hosting companies is because they are cheaper (they are in business to make money, after all). The best of these hosting providers generate their own power and, in the long-run, they cut their costs drastically. This means they can offer their services at a much cheaper rate than the traditional hosting providers – and that is good news for the clients.

Enhancing Reputation

Businesses which advertise the fact that they are all for green technologies earn the respect of the community and the clients they serve. This added respectability helps increase their reputation.

Of course, just having a website that is hosted on a green hosting provider’s servers won’t be enough – the green initiative should be implemented all through the business’ production or work process; the website is just a part of the whole.

Marketing and Sales

Businesses know too well what an enhanced reputation ensues if marketed well: increased sales and profits. They can also use the fact that they are helping conserve and protect the environment to gain the trust of their clients.

Pass on the Green Initiative

Another angle that businesses can sell is letting their clients know that by working with them, they will also help with the conservation efforts. In fact, many clients will be more than happy to pay a little extra to encourage these efforts. This, again, means more profits.

So, to answer the question regarding whether or not going with a green web hosting is worth it, the answer is a definite “Yes!”


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