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8 Thoughts You Have When Considering a Long Distance Relationship

One of the best things about online dating is that they instantly connect you with a network of singles from all over the world. Thanks to modern technology, you might just meet your soulmate online. But, the downside to all of this is that this person might not live in your zip code or even your corner of the globe.

With that said, it’s still a rare and magical thing to meet someone you really connect with. When this happens, it’s natural to throw geography to the wind and start considering the possibility of a long distance relationship.

If you’ve ever been in or thought about pursuing a long-distance relationship, here’s a few statements you can surely relate to.

1. “The distance… ahhhhh, the distance!”

When you meet someone online that lives far away, it’s natural to want them to be closer to you. Some of the best parts of getting to know someone is having the chance to see them in person, look them in the eyes and hold their hand. You can’t do this when you’re dating someone long distance and it can be really frustrating. It might even feel like the universe has played some kind of cosmic practical joke on you.

2. “I wonder what it would be like to hang out with them in person?”

If you’ve never met IRL (in real life) and you’re considering embarking on a long-distance relationship, it’s totally normal to wonder what it will be like when you meet for the first time. Will you click as well as you do online? Will their witty texts translate to real, live chemistry? What if you meet and you don’t click at all?

3. “This is really romantic.”

When you can’t see each other in person all the time, it forces you to communicate in other ways: long texts, rambling phone calls, letters, Skype chats that make you want to reach through your screen. You get to know someone in a different and often deeper way than you would if you were just getting to know each other in person. Also, there’s something really romantic about longing for someone who is far away.

4. “Is it totally insane that I think this person might be The One?”

When you can’t see each other regularly and are forced to use other forms of communication, a long distance relationship can feel really intense – sometimes more so than if you were getting to know each other in the same zip code. Are they “The One” because they are The One, or are you only feeling this way because they’re far away and you want what you can’t have?

5. “Are they catfishing me?”

Anyone who has ever seen the movie or the TV show has to ask this question. After all, if they seem too good to be true, they very well might be.

6. “What if this never goes anywhere?”

In love, there are no guarantees. This is especially true when you’re getting to know someone long distance. Being in a long distance romance takes a lot time and effort. You can’t just call up the other person and say, “Let’s grab some takeout and hang out!” so you have to get creative. There’s always a point when it feels like you’ll never see each other where you wonder if you’re just  wasting your time.

7. “If it does work out, where will we live?”

The whole point of long distance is that it’s meant to be just temporary. Eventually, if you’re going to be together, you’ll have to make some big decisions: will they come live with you or will you go live with them? What’s your relationship going to look like when you’re really together? Maybe this will be an easy choice for you as a couple or maybe it won’t. Either way, thinking about this (especially in the early days of the relationship) can feel really overwhelming.

8. “Is this what I really want?”

For all the romantic longing and intensity, long distance relationships can be really complicated. If you’re not located within easy driving distance, there are all kinds of logistical and financial things to consider. Are you prepared to spend money on travelling back and forth? How often will you be able to see each other? Are they willing to make the same kind of financial and time commitment to see you? Do you really want to date someone that you won’t be able to see and touch regularly? These are things you both need to talk about figure out.

While long distance can be challenging, it’s not impossible. Finding a connection with someone is a wonderful thing. Don’t let the potential challenges of a long distance relationship hold you back from pursuing love.




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