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7 Reasons You Should Date a Cat Person

girl with cat

When I decided to try online dating for the first time, I gathered a group of friends together to help me write my profile (something I suggest every dater do at least once.) However, when it came time to choose my photos, things were less than simpatico.

I held up (what I thought) was an adorable photo of me holding my then cat, Caroline. It was taken on a day when my hair and lipstick game were totally on-point. I thought I looked cute. My friends on the other hand, vetoed it immediately.

“You cannot post a photo of you holding a cat. Absolutely not,” my friend told me.

I didn’t get it. I’d read articles that explicitly stated that having a pet in your online dating photo made you more attractive to potential matches. In fact, a recent survey by EliteSingles revealed that 60 percent of singles find owning a pet more attractive – period. So, what was the issue with my dear Caroline?

Well, according to my friends, “You don’t want to give off Crazy Cat Lady vibes in your online dating profile.”

This was the first time I experienced the stigma associated with having a feline friend – and apparently my friends aren’t the only ones who feel this way. According to the same survey mentioned above, of those attracted to pet owners, 73 percent say that they’re most attracted to dog owners, 11 percent choose cat owners and 5 percent say that they like people who own both dogs and cats. (The other 11 percent includes those who like bird, fish, and horse owners.)

While I’m sure people are always going to love dog owners (after all, there’s something to be said about man’s best friend,) I’m not willing to believe for a second that I’m romantically doomed just because I’m a cat person. While us cat owners may get the short end of the stick when it comes to public opinion, there are lots of reasons why we make excellent partners.

Not convinced? Here are a few reasons you should definitely date a cat person.

1. We don’t expect to be loved; we know you have to earn it.

I think one of the best things about cat people is that we don’t expect instant gratification or for you to love us unconditionally right away. Instead, we understand that a true connection takes time and requires that you establish trust. The flipside is that we sometimes take a while to warm up to you, however once we do, we’re very loyal.

2. We leave you wanting more.

A survey of 1,057 single Canadians showed cat lovers were more likely to play hard to get on dates, both spending less money on a first date and being less likely to call back after a date than their dog-loving counterparts. This isn’t to say that we’re stingy with our affection, we just know how to keep you coming back for more, which keeps things interesting. If we do show you affection, you know it’s coming from a sincere place.

3. We’re patient.

Anyone who’s ever lived with a cat (and loved it) is a master in the art of patience, because as much as we love our furry little feline friends, they can be super annoying. Scratching. Meowing at 6 a.m. Catnip everywhere. Cat hair. More scratching. If we’re able to put up with the quirks of cat ownership, we’re going to be that much more tolerant of your own.

4. We don’t have to be in control all the time.

The first thing you learn as a cat person is that the cat is the boss and always calls the shots. Always. Everyday. Because of this, as cat people, we’re okay letting go of some control, preferring instead to give and take.

5. We’re intelligent.

According to a recent survey of 600 college students at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, cat owners scored higher on intelligence than dog-owners. The same study reported cat people tend to be more nonconformist than their dog-loving peers, which means that, like our pet of choice, we’re not afraid to do our own thing.

6. We’re independent.

If you’re hoping to avoid dating someone super needy, give a cat person a try. The same study from Carroll University also revealed that cat people tend to be more introverted than dog people. We’re not opposed to being alone together (for example, snuggling up on the couch while we read our respective books) and we’ll always carve out some time just for ourselves – giving you the freedom to do the same.

7. We’re capable of loving and caring for a creature that’s much smaller than us.

Our cats depend on us for food, water, safety and snuggles. We’re able to deliver all of this with compassion, empathy and love without expecting that much in return. This makes us caring, thoughtful, giving partners. Really, that’s all you need to know.


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