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5 Online Dating Resolutions We Should All Make for 2016


The New Year is upon us, which means that now’s the perfect time to take stock of your dating life and pledge to make a few adjustments. Whether you’re looking for more dates, a serious relationship or simply a happier, more fulfilling, joyful online dating life, here’s a a few online dating resolutions we could all afford to make for 2016.

  1. Say no to the “Tinder boyfriend/girlfriend.”

It’s funny, the point of online dating is to actually go on dates. However, between all of the swiping, clicking, messaging and texting, it’s like actually meeting up in person almost becomes an afterthought. I’ve had numerous friends tell me tales of their “Tinder boyfriend” or “girlfriend.” That person they met on a dating app that lives in the same area and that they chat with regularly but that they have. never. met. in person. Um, what’s up with that? Carrying on a pen-pal like relationship with someone you’ve met online might provide an ego boost and ease the loneliness of being single, but it’s actually a huge waste of time.

Engaging in endless conversations with someone you’ve never met (who doesn’t seem to have any clear intention of meeting you or vice versa), takes up precious time that you could be using to get to know someone who actually wants to see you outside of their phone. So, this is actually a two prong resolution:

  1. a) If you’re the “Tinder boyfriend/girlfriend” that’s aimlessly leading on some poor soul that you have no intention of meeting any time in the near future but that you’re keeping around “just in case” – stop. You may think keeping someone on the backburner makes sense, but all these quasi-relationships do is waste their time and yours. If you do actually want to meet this person, stop being a chicken and just ask them out. However, if this isn’t the case, have the courage to let them go and/or go out there and meet people you actually want to interact with face to face.
  1. b) If you’re on the receiving end of this kind of behavior and you’re sticking around just in case one day, they finally get their act together to schedule that beer you’ve been talking about sharing for weeks/months/years – don’t. Let this situation go. If they’re really interested, they’ll come to you.
  1. Stop posting bad selfies.

Yes, you know exactly what I’m talking about (or maybe you don’t?) Despite article upon advice article suggesting otherwise, the ubiquitous bathroom mirror selfie persists online. Same goes for the selfie taken at an awkward, facial feature obscuring angle. When I see these kinds of photos online, I immediately cringe and move on to the next profile. It’s 2016 – it’s time for all of us to improve the overall landscape of online dating by posting better photos. If you really want to meet someone this year, invest in yourself and your future by upping your photo game.

Have a friend take a new snaps of you that don’t involve a cloudy bathroom mirror or you lying on your bed. Wear a proper shirt. If you don’t have a friend who can help you with this, do a quick google search and look into a service that specializes in taking online dating photos (there are plenty!) or hire a photography student hoping to build their portfolio. Remind yourself that you are absolutely worth the effort it takes to showcase the best version of yourself online.

  1. Bring the romance back to dating, with real dates.

I know that grabbing a quick coffee at Starbucks is sometimes the easiest option for a first date (especially if you’re just trying to gage whether there might be a connection), however I urge all of you to give going on a “real date” a chance. You don’t have to take everyone you meet online out for a fancy dinner and horse drawn carriage ride (that’s just silly), but it doesn’t hurt once in awhile. If you’re already really excited about someone, why not take a chance and plan something memorable for them? It can even be as simple as sharing a nice meal together. Even if the date doesn’t turn into a serious relationship, you’ll get major points for making the effort and both of you will likely remember the date as a really good time. Make someone else feel special, I dare you.

  1. Break-up with people… like an adult.

If there’s one thing about the current dating climate that drives me absolutely bonkers, it’s the prevalence of ‘ghosting.’ I get that sometimes disappearing without a trace after a dating experience gone wrong is sometimes the best and safest course of action (like when you literally, do not want to have anything to do with the person), but these extreme cases are few and far between. If you aren’t interested in dating someone, have the balls to kindly let them know. In my experience, people have become so used to ghosting and other sketchy behavior that an honest, “I think you’re awesome but I just don’t feel a connection” conversation is usually met with relief and gratitude.

  1. Take a chance.

I don’t mean that you should agree to meet that person you met online at 2am, down by the abandoned railroad tracks (because that sounds like a terrible idea), but rather that you stay open to new possibilities. If you think there might be potential with someone, ask them out. The thing with online dating is that you just never know. The date could be terrible or it could be awesome, but you won’t know until you try.


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