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10 Signs It’s Time To Break It Off


There are lots of legitimate reasons to break things off with the person you’re dating. Cheating. Lying. Horribly mismatched personalities. Constant fighting. However, more often than not there’s nothing glaringly wrong with the relationship, it just doesn’t feel right.

If you’re currently suffering from a case of relationship uncertainty, here are a few signs that you should just bite the bullet and break things off.

  1. You’re avoiding them –

When you’re dating someone you should want to spend time with them. It shouldn’t feel like a chore or a burden. However, if given the option, you’d prefer to spend your time with your friends or curled up on the couch re-watching all 10 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy instead of hanging out with the person you’re dating, that’s a good sign that you’re not feeling the relationship and should move on.

  1. They’re not able to give you what you want commitment wise –

If you’ve made it clear to the other person what you need from them – for example, maybe you’ve been dating casually for a while and now you’d like a more serious commitment, like exclusivity – and they are either upfront about not being able to give this to you or they continually dodge the conversation, it’s time to cut them loose. If a commitment is what you want, don’t settle for less.

  1. You’ve given it a chance and you’re not feeling the physical chemistry –

There are lots of good people in the world. However, that doesn’t mean that we’re going to have chemistry with all of them – and you know what? Chemistry is important. If you’ve been dating for awhile and the thought of kissing the other person makes you recoil or just say “meh,” that’s a perfectly legit reason to break things off.

  1. Your heart and mind are elsewhere –

Get off Tinder. Yes, you. If you catch yourself being preoccupied with exploring other dating options to “see what’s out there” or you spend most of your time seriously fantasizing about what it would be like to run off to Ibiza sans the person you’re dating so you could hook up with randoms, it might be time to break up already.

  1. You fight. All. The. Time –

A little disagreement and conflict in a relationship is actually healthy because it forces you to communicate and hash out issues. However, if all you do is hash out your issues and can’t seem to do anything as a couple without it erupting into a nuclear level fight, it might just mean that you don’t get along with this person at all.

  1. You cry more than you laugh –

If the person you’re dating causes you to cry or feel sad more than laugh, it’s time to walk away…for good. You deserve to be happy, so stop dating someone who makes you continually feel the opposite of that.

  1. It feels like you’re just going through the motions –

Although it’s natural for the honeymoon period of a relationship to subside, dating the other person should still feel…well, good. If you find that you’re just going through the motions – going on dates, having brunch, hanging out – out of obligation because you feel the relationship is “better than nothing,” it’s time to call it quits. The person you’re dating deserves to be with someone who is actually present in the relationship and doesn’t see them as a placeholder.

  1. You feel like an option, not a priority –

If you feel like the person you’re dating never makes time for you, cancels plans on the regular and dodges the topic of commitment, it means that they are not able to give you what you need at this point in time. The good news: there’s someone out there who will. Don’t stick around for a half-baked version of a “relationship.” You’re better than that.

  1. You’ve tried a different approach and it’s still not working –

Maybe you vowed to work on your communication issues or you expressed to your partner that when they do X thing, it really hurts your feelings – either way, if there have been issues that you have legitimately tried to work through and yet, things still haven’t progressed in a positive direction, it’s time to re-evaluate whether this relationship is still a good fit.

  1. You’re simply not happy –

Life is hard. So are relationships. You’re not going to be happy all the time. However, at the end of the day being with your person should bring you comfort and solace. It should feel right and like there’s something worth fighting for – even during hard times. Often we think that we need some grand reason to end a relationship, however being unhappy is reason enough. Life is short. Give yourself permission  to let go of something that’s so-so to make room for something really great.


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